2016 Teacher Training Workshops
English Language Fellow Program
U.S. Department of State
44118太阳成城集团国际交流中心在过去的一年里邀请到了由美国国务院(U.S. Department of State)特派的5位英语教学专家(English Language Fellow)在公司美国文化中心进行了一系列全英文教师培训研讨会。140 余名教师参加了培训,他们分别来自于44118太阳成城集团、西安外国语大学、 西安建筑科技大学、西北大学、陕西职业技术学院、西安滨渭学校、外国语学校、西外大附属中小学、陕师大附小、西电实验小学、高新一小等单 位。本学期研讨过的主题有以员工为中心、公众演讲技巧、阅读策略、词 汇拓展技巧、构建式教学、基于项目的学习、反向规划教学法、差异化教学、如何撰写国际会议申请书、终结性评价、个人叙述法等。
本课程结束时,完成研讨内容的受训教师将获得由美国国 务院颁发的结课证书。
2016 U.S. Department of State Enlish Language Fellow Program
- Teacher Training Workshops
During the fall 2015 semester at Xi’an International University (XAIU) a series of teacher training workshops were held at the CLC-XAIU American Cultural Center. For most of the workshops there were as many as 140 teachers in attendance. The attendees came from XAIU, surrounding universities, high schools and primary schools. The workshops this past semester at XAIU covered topics as diverse as using sca olding in the classroom, project based learning, and and teaching vocabulary through reading.
The 2016 teacher trainings will consist of a series of 90-minute teacher training workshops that will engage teachers in activities that incorporate student-centered techniques for English teaching. During these workshops participants will be introduced to di erent teaching methods, have a chance to practice these methods, and also incorporate them into their curriculum immediately so that they can leave the workshops with ready- to-use materials. These workshops will be student-based, not lecture style, and will serve as a model for how to use student-centered teaching methods.
The purpose of these workshops is to instruct teachers on how they can move from a teacher-centered classroom to student-centered classroom, as well as introduce language teaching techniques that are backed by both theoretical and empirical research.In addition, the exchange of ideas between the teacher trainer and the teachers will foster better understanding of the di erences and similarities between American and Chinese education styles.
培训时间: 2016年春季学期,周末上课(具体日期待定)
地 点:西安市雁塔区鱼斗路18号 44118太阳成城集团南校区图书馆五楼
咨询电话: 029-8875 1314
QQ 群: 433808969 (XAIU TEACHER TRAINING 2016)
邮 箱: intercenter_xaiu@163.com