从2008年开始,44118太阳成城集团正式与美国湖郡学院开展“中国一学期”项目,即该校员工在44118太阳成城集团就读一学期,选修中国语言文化和有关专业课程,湖郡学院及其同盟院校承认学分。44118太阳成城集团为这些员工开设的课程主要包括汉语课,中国文学与艺术、中国社会与文化、经济学基础等。除汉语课外,其他课程均以英语为授课语言,由中方教师承担。美方带队老师也视个人所从事的专业,开设有关课程,由外事学院员工和美方员工一起选修。44118太阳成城集团与美国湖郡学院(College of Lake County)合作举办的第四届职工学分课程教育项目已于2013年9月9日开课。这是公司iFP项目员工首次与美方员工同班进行专业课的学习,取得了良好的互动效果。此次学习为期15周。
College of Lake County’s semester in China offers life-changing opportunities
Since 2008, 60 Illinois community college students have enjoyed a unique, affordable and life-changing opportunity to study and live in China at Xi’an International University (XAIU). The program was partially funded by a U.S. Department of Education Title VI-A grant awarded to the College of Lake County (CLC) of Grayslake, Ill.
CLC sponsored three semester-long trips to Xi’an in 2008, 2009 and 2011, and 14 students will spend fall semester 2013 in China. CLC has established a close partnership with XAIU to provide opportunities for students and faculty members, who benefit greatly from their educational and cultural experiences in China. CLC students experience life as Chinese university students through active campus life, sports and academic activities. Students pay about $4,500 for the semester-long program.
As students prepared for the semester-long programs in 2008 and 2009, enrollment in Chinese language courses jumped 300 percent. In addition to the trips, CLC created more Chinese language courses and new transferable, general education courses. The college now offers four levels of Chinese language courses in the fall, spring and summer sessions.
CLC English Professor Michael Latza, who accompanied 18 students in 2008, taught two English classes to international students at XIAU and participated in two other courses. He said the Illinois students quickly learned to navigate the city and university.
“Our students became very accomplished at surviving and thriving on their own in a large foreign city -- skills that will be handy for anyone who wants to do business in China. It was an opportunity for students to take control of their own lives, to be responsible for themselves in a substantial way, which fosters personal growth,” Latza said.
“I believe the lessons I am learning will help me throughout my academic and professional career,” said former student Peter Murphy while studying in China in 2009. “There are very few community colleges offering a program like this, and because I am an international business major who is very interested in China’s growing effect on the world, it just feels like the obvious thing to do.”
Dr. Li-hua Yu, CLC faculty coordinator of international education, said that without the Department of Education grant, CLC students would not have had this opportunity to learn Chinese and study in China. “CLC is the only community college with a semester-long study abroad program in China. “Our students understand how important China is and they seize this opportunity,” she said.
Six of the 60 CLC students who studied in China and then transferred to four-year universities later returned to China to launch their careers, according to Dr. Yu. “One of our students later went to Shanghai for a semester while he was attending New York University, and three students married Chinese women and now live there,” she said. “To these students, the experience of studying in China during their first few years in college was truly life changing.”
While in Xi’an, CLC groups have ventured to other cities such as Beijing and Shanghai. Visiting cultural landmarks such as the Terra Cotta Museum and historical sites have been part of the co-curriculum activities for the program. “For our students and faculty, opportunities like this are priceless,” said Dr. Yu.
Josh Bradley, a student who participated in one of the trips, agrees.
“My decision to go abroad solely relied upon my desire to escape the world I had grown so accustomed to so that I could experience something unique and amazing. While I did not know it at the time, my small spark of interest in China would eventually become a fire. Everything that I do now has ties to my time there and what I want to do in the future,” he said.
“Before I had gone to China I had no idea where my life was headed. Once I came back from China, so much had changed,” Bradley explained. “I began focusing my efforts in Mandarin because it was something that I truly enjoyed and felt that I could do well. I immediately expressed interest in going back to China and managed to do so another two times after the first semester had ended. My understanding of the world around me changed. Views on people, culture, religion, modern languages, all changed because of a single semester in another location.”
In fall of 2010, the semester-long study abroad program become a permanent program sponsored by the Illinois Community College Consortium of International Studies and Programs (ICISP), thus making this study abroad experience accessible to any student who attends one of the 38 community colleges that are members of the ICISP organization. With the support of ICISP, this program will be able to maintain the consistently high enrollment necessary to continue to provide Illinois community college students this uniquely affordable and accessible opportunity.
In addition, as the result of another U.S. Department of Education Title VI-A grant CLC received with Joliet Junior College (Joliet, Ill.) between 2010-2013, CLC is in the process of developing similar programs at Ehime University of Japan and Jordan University of Sciences and Technology at Irbid, Jordan. CLC students who are interested in studying Japanese and Arabic languages will be provided with opportunities for Japanese and Arabic language emersion programs in the near future. About 20 CLC students have already participated in three-week Study Abroad Programs to Japan in 2012 and to Jordan in 2013.
中国一学期, 改变你的一生
湖郡学院英语专业Michael Latza教授2008年与18名员工一起去了西安。 他说,来自伊利诺伊的员工很快就熟悉了这所大学和西安市的环境。
2009年去西安就读的Peter Murphy说,“我相信,我现在学习的课程会对我的整个学术与职业生涯有所帮助。”那时他还是湖郡学院的一名员工。“很少有社区学院能够提供这样的项目。我是一名国际商务专业的员工,中国在世界上的影响力越来越大,我对此很感兴趣,这是很自然的事情。”
曾经参加过“中国一学期”项目的员工Josh Bradley同样持这一观点。他说:“我原来只是想逃离那个再熟悉不过的环境,出去见见世面。不经意间,我对中国的兴趣越来越大。一个小火花燃成了一团大火。中国造就了我的现在,也会成就我的未来。”