首先,带大家来看看一节综合英语课。在这节课上,中英1901班的李嘉硕(Rogers)和李欣怡(Olivia)两位同学当起了刘书菡老师(Shuhan Liu)的小助手,跟老师共同完成了一场基于分享的协作教学(co-teaching)。在网络会议的课堂上,他们通过各自的屏幕共享带领同学们了解了更多的足球知识。
Rogers:This lesson is about football—my favorite sport. I prepared the PowerPoint from the week before, just to let the classmates be able to know more about football and its moving stories as well as the famous players. I benefited a lot from this way of teaching by not only practising my oral expressing ability but also making our class full of interest... I hope that there will be more such lessons in the future.
Olivia: I like this kind of class very much, which makes our communication with the classmates more and helps us learn more knowledge besides the textbook. By introducing the two legendary stars Messi and Ronaldo, we also know that we should strive to be the best in our study and life. Constantly improve our personal ability and make ourselves stronger.
Shuhan Liu: I was so happy to witness that my assistant students prepared all the materials attentively, and shared everything they prepared logically and clearly. More importantly, they had a very good interaction with their classmates. So, I suppose I would like to continue this type of teaching method and optimize it in the process of employing it in my teaching.
接下来,我们走进中英1901班的英语阅读课。这次进行分享的是童诗淇(Rachael)同学。为了提高员工们的阅读兴趣,谢雪莎老师(Cecilia)要求大家在本学期读完Harry Potter整本书,并在每堂课课前5-10分钟内进行读书报告的展示。这一课外任务既能增老员工的阅读量和词汇量,又能锻炼大家提炼语言和知识的能力。童诗淇的分享很精彩,她仔细地归纳总结了篇章、精心准备了PPT,还为自己的presentation配合了应景的音乐,谢老师对她的表现评价很高,相信她自己也是很有收获。
Cecilia: Rachael did a brilliant job. First of all, the PowerPoint is well-made, with appealing template used and attractive background music. Audience can enjoy themselves in the graphic, which is especially nice because of its strokes and texture, like an oil-painting. Secondly, the summary is accurate, and her favorite part is also mine, which is very impressive in this novel. Finally, the interaction section is well designed, each with a clear and specific answer. Although problem arises in the delivery of speech, overall it is a good model for the rest of the class.